
I, An Moron

I, An Moron is Dynasty Handbag's falling-apart stand-up show that takes a googley-eyed macroscopic look into post-Trump North American activism

I, An Moron is Dynasty Handbag's falling-apart stand-up show that takes a googley-eyed macroscopic look into post-Trump North American activism

and its myriad ways to “resist” while still enjoying prison labor pour-over coffee and nut milk. A “queering” of the one-woman show, I, An Moron critiques this time-honored form of feminist expression by highlighting the shortcomings and evil origins of the white heterosexual female struggle. Topics covered include: using jars as activism & a version of Rihanna's blue-collar anthem celebrating the proletariat, and an analysis/jazz dance number about coyote discrimination in Hollywood as a metaphor for human collapse. Show is updated frequently to include horrible current events.

Watch full Hammer Museum performance

Click the image to watch an excerpt.

Performances: Hammer Museum, Los Angeles (premiere); Joe's Pub, NYC; The Lab, San Francisco; PNCA, Portland, OR; North Door, Austin, TX  (2016)

Performances: Hammer Museum, Los Angeles (premiere); Joe's Pub, NYC; The Lab, San Francisco; PNCA, Portland, OR; North Door, Austin, TX (2016)

This project made possible by a generous grant from NYPAC and the Hammer Museum.

 Photos by  Charlie Gross

Photos by Charlie Gross